Thursday, January 24, 2013

some drama that mum and I watched

Watched a drama with my mum randomly after showering and automatically make my way to the living room to bond with her(by watching drama together. :P). I couldn't really understand the show, I.E, I only watched one episode and I never watch any more after that. So my mum, who is so freaking devoted to the show went on to explain to me who like who and who don't like who....

Mum told me it's about the girl who like the guy, and the guy likes another girl, who don't like him back and use him instead for some power and liked another guy who happens to be the guy's friend, and the guy friend like the girl =.='''. complicated? Nevermind.

Now the scene showed the part whereby the guy was trying to reject the girl because he knew that he was being used and he did not want to be used but he still love the girl. The girl on the other hand really fell in love with him and wanted to get close to him not because she wanted to make use of him but instead to tell him that she love him, but the guy now won't hear any of it and keep trying to push her into her initial lover. LOL! and the girl now trying to use every single means just to get close to the guy so that she could say her true heartfelt words, even if it means being ridiculed by him. Pretty stupid right?

Is not like the girl damn ugly like that, no one wants. But I just cannot accept the fact that she is still tenaciously and persistently holding onto the guy as though he is the only guy in the world. And get RIDICULED for it. I think that one deserved better. the guy was totally ignoring her phone calls, and text messages and even drove off and not sending her home late at night. Even went to the extent of TELLING HER that he is no longer interested in her already. Ironically, the girl did it to the same guy at first.

When you don't get any replies or short answers, it says something along the lines like: "I am not interested in you." then too bad. Don't be so persistent and continue the conversation. Might as well just end it.  Continuous texting just irritates the other party, and the other party won't want to scold you and feel bad about it, but have to continue to keep it in inside him/her till one day he/she cannot tolerate and let it go at one shot.

You deserve better. no replies from him/her doesn't mean the end of the world. I know that it sucks, that out of so many people in the world, love cupid shot the wrong person for you, your arrows don't match and you get heartbroken. Getting heartbroken, doesn't mean that you won't be healed in the end. Let time heal all wounds. It's better this way than to continuously be in the same spot like forever, getting ignored and ridiculed and all the while proclaiming your love. To some extent, I would say that it's pathetic. Move on, you will find a better partner who is worthy of your love, and doesn't treat you badly(shit). and when I say move on it doesn't mean continue texting, I meant STOP texting, even if the other party text you back.

I've been there and done that. Friends who are EXTREMELY close to me will know.

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