Thursday, July 21, 2011

Stressful period

Such a stressful period, this is the first time I ever show my temper to people, and the feeling sucks. Reason being I myself hate people who would bark or show attitude or stressing others out when they themselves are already stress out, and yet now I am doing the same thing. I ought to change. 

Maybe because I'm stretched to the maximum already and I don't want to continue anymore. I don't have anymore drive or desire to push me through. It's just God pushing me, pushing me to my limits, stretching me like a rubber band to make me stronger at the end of the day. And no matter what, I will do whatever I can to overcome the hurdle. But one thing for sure: I'm not going to take the initiative anymore after this semester. I had enough of trying to accommodate to everyone else's timing.   

Suddenly, I feel that even you don't understand me anymore. And I used to be so confident that you knew me well. Maybe it was just all one-sided. Why shit happens all the time? Knowing me, you would know what's my writing style and know what I would type and such. Maybe you don't know me well enough then. 

Trying and trying, struggling and waiting, sitting around and waiting for that one text to make my day. In the end, all you did was playing games. Maybe you stop loving, or maybe I was trying, and you are making me feel whatever that I used to do on you. Didn't know that you were that kind of person. IF I DID BACK THE THINGS YOU DID THAT HURT ME, YOU WOULD BE DEVASTATED. you would want to have a closure. Maybe we aren't compatible after all. I'm seriously re-considering the relationship between us. I'm sorry, I'm just doing it back. 

Main priorities? Games are always your priorities. There was so many times when I told you that I was sick, and then all you did was "DID YOU  FEED MY _____ AND ____?" and then a TAKE CARE. thanks. Like wow. priorities? Get yours right before you criticize mine. 

this few days is roller coaster going down to hell. Hectic and bumpy. continue Helen. You are climbing up. 2 more projects to go and you are done. 

I would most probably be quiet tomorrow. Shall see, I'm tired of trying so hard and go unappreciated. At least give me a nod, but nothing. Shall keep quiet ba. Not caring and just doing. that's all. 

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