Sunday, December 30, 2012

TTC camp

December is a busy busy month for me, church camps, diocese camps, church dance, christmas outings and gatherings. I like things that keep me busy, having 2-3 appointments in a day was considered normal. LOL! 

Anyway, if I am not wrong, 6-8th dec was a church camp for all chinese congregations in singapore be it any denominations. So it was quite a memorable experience for me as we rarely mingle with other churches and it meant knowing more brothers and sisters  in Christ. 

Early in the morning, travelled with Elaine (wanyi) to ttc as we both don't really know the way =.=''' but in the end we were one of the earliest. Le sigh! :( So we went to our assigned rooms and was surprised when we see our rooms with our own name. How cool is that!?! even hotels don't do that for you!!! so of course must take photos as mementos.  
busy unpacking our stuff for the next 3d2n. After which we changed into our camp tee and headed out to wait for the rest of our church mates to arrive. 2 blur queens together jiu shi ze yang le. LOL!
so...... while waiting for the rest, we took pictures! :D TEEHEE! and many was rejected by her =.=''' damn picky yo! so sad our  92's partner zy can't come, or else 92's united already. and I hate hate hate my eye bags, is like no matter what I used, I still can't get rid of it, or maybe I'm just inconsistent with my products :/
over the next 3d2n, we were all in different groups and knowing more about God  as well as the difference in denominations's customs and practices. We also had very deep bible insights which certainly changed some of my views about my own religion. There were so many perspectives to view from and I was intrigued by it.

we went church visiting at little india; Church of the True Light, they just celebrated their 100 years anniversary. My church was only 25, quarter of theirs. went to explore the church and had a full anglican service, woah, super long.
snap more photos before heading back to ttc, it had been a very meaningful and enriching experience. Especially during sharing of the stuff that we do in church, getting to learn more and such. It's a rare experience and I got to know more about the God that I love, as well as seeing so many God loving/fearing brothers and sisters makes me feel motivated for God. so that concludes my 1st camp of the month.

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