Wednesday, January 09, 2013

CIA part three

So for day 3, we had breakfast, and then prepare for the last talk for the camp. It's about doing, and not just talking. Which I think is very practical, you can talk there for hours, but if you are not going to move that lazy butt to move, it will just go down the drain. So here we are, Christian In Actions! 

 After that, lunch :) among all the food that I've attended, this is seriously one of the best camp food that I've eaten! :D

 LOOK AT THE DUMPLINGSSSSS!!! How to not take second round!!!!

Next was one of the guys fav! DANCINGGGGG!!! Last year was kickboxing, in which we discovered so many "talents" :P this year, Mike is back with ZUMBA! :D

Zumba is a Colombian dance fitness program created by dancer and choreographer Alberto "Beto" Perez during the 1990s.[1]
Zumba involves dance and aerobic elements. Zumba's choreography incorporates hip-hopsocasambasalsamerenguemambomartial arts, and some Bollywood and belly dance moves. Squats and lunges are also included.[2] Zumba Fitness, an organization that sells Zumba videos and products, does not charge licensing fees to gyms or fitness centers.[3] Approximately 14 million people take weekly Zumba classes in over 140,000 locations across more than 150 countries.[4]

 See what I meant by talent ;) hehehehe!!! everyone was so enthu about it! :D

 not forgetting group picture with Mike! :D and hate the "twist/peace" on my head =.=''' irritating!

So after that, we actually had 2-3 hours of break, so we went to gaigai and do jump shots, as well as levitating shots which is highly popular nowadays! People are getting more and more innovative already! :P 

Group photos with our church girls, we had more church girls this year! :D Just when we were thinking that there are more brothers than sisters in Church, God blessed us by adding more girls in our church! :D Yay!!! more girls!

this is one of my favourite shot, it's my computer wallpaper now. I love the background! Since it's my dslr, I rarely took shots of myself because its too heavy to take with one hand. It is actually very heavy, luckily one of the church girls was fascinated by my dslr, and wanted to take the rest of the church camp photos. So I happily loaned it to her (and praying super hard that she will handle with TLC) and managed to take more shots of myself :P isn't this little piece of heaven beautiful???? :) Marvelling in God's wonderful creation when I look at this picture! :)

Soon, nightfall and we had a mini worship session before starting our BBQ. wore my spects because I look super tired. I realized that I look more awake with my spects on. but it's very tiring after having on for more than an hour, my eyes will start getting heavier, and I feel more sleepy =.='''
 Girls group shots! :) all of us in bright colours, except for elaine. :) Love them to bits! :D

Guys group shots :) See what I meant when there are so much more guys than girls in church???? Thank God there are more girls now.
our 92's shot! :) No one will ever separate us. my BFF's till the day we go heaven :P knew them since young, all of us grew up already :) Though it took quite a long time to really get to know each other, and having outings once in a while, I'm glad to have you two with my through my happy and difficult times.
With the guy who used to be shorter than me :P Sigh!!! I need to wear heels already! :P My best-est guy friend.
And of course, how can I forget my partner-in-crime. ;) the only one who would do stupid stuff with me :P and eating all the delicious food together!!! We even have similar thoughts on certain issues. Glad to have this girl with me! :D 

And so, our BBQ ends late into the night, and it was the last night of the camp. 

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