Tuesday, January 08, 2013

church youth camp day 2

the next day ~~~~~ 

 Breakfast :DDD HAMMMMMMM! and tomatoes, my fav nutella, some purple veggies and butter and bread!!! FOOD!!! :D

Had another talk, and we had intense discussion on the difficulties faced when reading the bible, as well as the solution on how to solve the above problem :) hearing all the solutions for every problem faced, discussing together as one body, made me feel so blessed and privilege to be part of it!

after that was lunch and then it was TBB! :D we had so much fun playing the games, my fave was the mass rope jumping. To encourage everyone to jump, and trying to make sure that we leave no one behind, made me feel that, no matter who you are, we are all together and united. This feeling is something that I can only experience in church. No matter where I am, be it in different environment, I always see people being outcast, sometimes, I even became the one who was being outcast. But in Church, we try to involve everyone, and it's comforting to see brothers and sisters in Christ, caring for each other. :)
 I don't know what LH was doing either =.=''''

 don't they look like traffic light??? SERIOUSLY!
 Told you this is my fav segment ;P
oohh, and those guys who trip over the jump rope, will have to do forfeit, push up!!! For girls, don't have! Luckily I'm a girl :P

At night, we had another activity; dawn crusade 3! :D which is very much like running men!!! :D One of the more popular variety show that is on right now!

it was a fun night, all of us was so tired from the two vigorous activity, fell asleep while waiting for my turn to bathe=.=''' it was fun overall, and I hope that everyone gets to learn something at every station. and this marks the end of day 2! :D

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