Tuesday, January 08, 2013

Church youth camp

Finally was church camp: from 18dec-21dec. It is the first time we had camp without the older youths(?) and therefore committee was actually quite stress about it. Nonetheless, program still have to run! So on day 1, started with praise and worship as well as ice breakers. Hopefully the youths had fun, knowing more about each other .... we had quite few newcomers for the camp. 

And soooo, after ice-breakers, we had to go to our assigned groups and think of a group name. My group was phoenix. sounds cool.... until when we translate to Chinese, it was called: "火鸟" there goes the song: "燃烧吧,燃烧吧,火鸟~~~~" . it was so embarrassing, but it was hilarious that majority wins =.=''' I was thinking something cooler like igniters! :( 
 we were so dedicated, we even drew a picture of it, willingly. can't help but feel happy for the enthu-ness! :)
Our camp theme was "再次燃烧"igniting the passion within our youths, that they will continue to serve the Lord with willing hearts, burning with passion. For the older youths, it meant as a torch to reignite and to re-commit ourselves to God.
The first night ended with a mini prayer session and mini talk by zycd! :D

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