Monday, January 07, 2013

IKEA with family

New year is coming, so mummy and daddy decided to give my room a makeover :D Most of my furnitures are damn old and therefore I need a new one (guess they also got sick of me complaining to them :P) 

I realized that I am the middleman between my father and mother =.=''' 
Daddy: "call mummy to wait at the taxi stand ah!" 
Me: "orh..." 
Me to Mummy: "Mummy, daddy say wait at the taxi stand" 
Mummy: "Tell daddy say that we are at the taxi stand liao" 
Me: "orh..." 
Me to daddy: "daddy, 我们在taxi stand liao"

Don't know why they don't communicate with each other =.=''' 

Anyway, reach IKEA and since it's dinnertime, we head over to the restaurant for dinner!!! :) MEATBALLS and chicken wings! double-win! :D Super duper nice that I've forgotten to take photos of it =.=''' went around the place to take a look at all my furnitures 

 The map was killer, I can get lost in it, double-edged sword format =.=''' bad for those who wants to get out of it desperately, but good for the company, people like my mum always(without fail) pick stuff that she doesn't need.
 THIS!!! My dream chair =.=''' was thinking whether should I buy, but it look so flimsy that I think it will spoil if I was to rock too hard :( LE SIGH!
I've seen christmas trees with decorations or company products, but I've never ever seen such an enormous tree with loads of toys on it! :) every kid's dream to own ALL of the toys!

damage done: 1.9-2.5 :P

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