Sunday, December 30, 2012

out with ups!

Went out to chill and gaigai with UP(not full strength though, shaing absent!)  :D Been such a long time since we went out together. I remembered I had something on before that, but I totally forget what it was. (I REMEMBER!!! CELEBRATE ZY BIRTHDAY!!!!) We had church leaders retreat before this and then we headed to cityhall for food as yycd had a groupon voucher for us to spent at some Vietnamese restaurant. The food was so-so =.=''' not a fan of Vietnam food. 

After the meal, we decided to chillax. headed over to idk where to view the whole scenery. It was captivating. we actually had a long walk to reach this place, lucky it did not disappoint us. 
 There was some live band going on there for free? you can choose to give tips or something if you want to.
Looking at all these, indulging in the view. somewhat makes me think of you. The first few days of dating, we went there, I was astonished at how Singapore actually had such nice night view. That's when you told me you wanted me, and we would see it any time we wanted. You made me feel like I'm the king of the world, at that time. we never did went back though, throughout the whole thing. And things changed and they weren't the same any more. I do think of you at times, but I am determined to keep you out of my life.

Wonderful view, but broken heart. no matter how pretty it is, it still bring back sad memories. I will move on.

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