I just realized something about myself today.
Life is a constant struggle. It's a struggle to keep going for the better things in life and try your hardest to continue to be at the top beating everyone hands down and praying hard that they won't catch up with you.
I also learnt that there is nothing else even sweeter than revenge. One example would be letting the people who used to hurt you wish that they never did. Another way is living your life right and that even without them you are still doing better than them. Even though it's rather heartbreaking, but I rather do it anyway. Maybe I'm just mentally torturing myself, but if I can live better than them/without them, good luck seriously. You can just walk in as you like, but if you ever walk out, my door won't even open for you no matter how much you bang it.
To those who decided to left me, thanks, because now I'm living a life that I truly like, during my bitter times/moments you are not there, don't expect to befriend me when I'm ever successful one day. By being successful, it DOESN'T mean;
1) Earning lots of money
2) Getting a job that loads of people envy
3) High social status
It literally meant that I am happy with the way that I am living my life comfortably enough that I am able to get by everyday without much worries.
To the people who stayed, thanks, for always being there for me , for just sitting there and listening to me rant, or just keeping quiet and savour the silence :) Friends that I would like to keep till we grow old. Thanks for never leaving me. Appreciated.